Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Please Enter... the House of Sequels!

It started as a joke, one of those "wouldn't-it-be-cool-if" sort of ideas that you quickly forget about.  I don't remember what we were watching the first time I presented the idea to watch all of the greats, but I imagine it was during a viewing of one of the big boys. (I'd like to say it was Hellraiser, but that's surely hindsight bias).  The rest of the gang thought it would be fun, in the way that eating the giant steak in under an hour at the Big Texan would be fun. Everyone had a good laugh, and the idea got swept under the table until the next time we were watching a great, and I had forgotten that I had already brought the idea up before.
And then Salty brought over The List.
I'd like to say that it was inked in human blood and bound in human flesh, but in reality it was just pencil and stuffed in a pocket until it came to rest on my study table.  Written on a shopping list, it denoted every franchise and sequel (later modified by The Rules) that we would have to (HAVE TO) watch. It had everything, from venerable titles like A Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th to complete shitpickles like Leprechaun and Puppet Master.  It was daunting. It was merciless (did you know that there's like 8 sequels to Children of the Corn?).  It was, once I saw the extent of what it would entail, the dumbest idea I've ever had.
So we decided to do it.
Now, here we are.  More than anything, this blog is a chronicle of our adventure.  We're putting this together to leave a record that yes, we did this ridiculous thing.  We want to have some sort of document that we can point people to when they say, "Did you REALLY watch Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave?"  But we’re also doing this for you, those folks we somehow conned into reading this.  Some of these films you may have never seen before.  Or maybe it’s been 20 years since you’ve seen The Exorcist, and you kind of remember what happens, but you don’t remember how you felt about it.  Or, you want to read about some poor saps that had to sit through a series that has one decent film and a bunch of direct-to-video crapfest sequels.
Step inside the House of Sequels.  It’s kind of dusty, but we think we’ll be hospitable enough for you to want to stick around.

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