Friday, January 31, 2014

Prom Night 4 - Schlock Galore!

Maire says:
This movie is GREAT! In fact, it’s terrible, but that’s what makes it so great. Plot line? Eh… sure… Effects? Nah! Wearing shoes to walk on a broken glass covered floor? That’s for punks! Repeatedly walking barefoot across aforementioned floor? Who wouldn’t?! Having any idea what is going on, and/or why anything is happening? Don’t even try! But hey, at least is has Brock Simpson! This time playing a priest. Yes, it goes as well as you’d expect.

Corey says:
Remember all that stuff about different prom dates for the Prom Nights that I put up in my last post?  Well, Prom Night IV is the crazy bitch that has downed a fifth of vodka before the limo ride, and will certainly do a line in the bathroom as soon as she gets to the gymnasium.

This movie is so bad, I didn't realize that Ezri Dax is in it.  As a main character.

The high point of this film, though, is the soundtrack, once again done by the ineffable Paul Zaza.

Salty says:

Two stars! I don't have to explain myself to you.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Prom Night 3 - What's In It For Me?

Maire says:
I’ll tell ya what’s in it for me - laughs! This is the one movie in the franchise that just lays it out as a schlock comedy horror. The gore is schlocky, predictable, and poorly done, but that’s just what makes it all the more better.

Unfortunately, the ending ended up a bit too much for my tastes, but at least Brock Simpson returned to the screen. This time as Officer Larry!

Corey says:
You know, after watching enough of these movies, you start to notice a (severely unintentional) theme. Bear with me for a moment. Now, imagine all of the Prom Night films as actual prom night dates. Sounds dumb, right? BUT WAIT.

Prom Night: The awkward wallflower with a homemade plain dress. She’s there, but she’s not much to look at, and at the end of the night, she’ll still be sitting close to the punch bowl, maybe reading a book or something.

Prom Night II: This is that crazy hot troublemaker that everyone wanted to get with, but for some reason she picked YOU. She’s got a mouth on her, and she knows how to use it. You know you’re in for a wild ride where you’re gonna either end up with your pants off, or dead… and either conclusion is acceptable.

This leads us to Prom Night III: The Last Kiss. This is another one of those girls that everyone thinks is hot, and once again (you lucky dog), she picks you! However, there’s gonna be no hanky panky here. Just when you think you’re gonna get to second base, *poof* you’re on the dance floor, doing the Lindy Hop for some god awful reason! Every time, every goddamn time you start to get somewhere with this chick, she pulls the ol’ switcheroo and nothing happens.

Now to be fair, this isn’t necessarily III’s fault. We had to watch the TV edit, because that’s all there fucking is in America to watch. So, I guess it’s more like going to the prom with a hot young lass that’s had a full frontal… lobotomy. Nice to look at, but you know this shit ain’t goin’ nowhere.

At least most of the music, which was expertly put together by the amazing Paul Zaza, made it through the edits mostly intact.

Salty says:
The Last Kiss starts well. Mary Lou is back and now she is in love with a new student at Hamilton High only she’s dead and he’s not. Anyone that messes with her man-boy gets a taste of campy death. A Nightmare on Elm Street not only gave The Killer a medium-well face, it gave The Killer a very rambunctious personality. Not only does he kill you, but he insults you too! Unfortunately for us, the personality driven maniac was quickly given one-liners and goofy set-up gags for murders. The Last Kiss has enough of this that you may begin to think that most of the screenwriting time was spent picking out which puns to use (all of which are too embarrassingly unfunny to repeat here).

Also, God help me, there are some character inconsistencies that I really don’t like. Maybe it says something about my self-esteem that I really like the callous Mary Lou from the previous film. Her only concern was that she was having fun at the expense of anyone that happened to pass by on her path to revenge. She was evil for her own vengeful sake and that was that, but now she’s in love with some dude and playing these head games with him while she kills to impress him or something. Maybe if the nudity wasn’t edited out I would be a little more appreciative, but even a really nice set of the world’s cheapest special effects couldn’t have saved this one.
